Прием СМС на виртуальные онлайн-номера

Каждый интернет-пользователь рано или поздно сталкивается с необходимостью верификации с помощью номера мобильного телефона. Его требуют для регистрации в мессенджерах, социальных сетях, на торговых площадках. Далеко не каждый человек готов делиться личными контактами. Это также проблема для коммерческих организаций, которым нужно создать несколько аккаунтов для увеличения продаж или сделать рекламную рассылку. Оптимальный выход — виртуальный номер телефона. С его помощью можно получить смс для активации аккаунта, регистрации для получения скидок.

Что такое виртуальный номер

Виртуальный онлайн-номер работает без сим-карты и не имеет привязки к какому-либо устройству. С его помощью можно принимать СМС, связь обеспечивается через интернет или специальное ПО. Номер можно использовать как активатор вайбера или любого другого мессенджера. Это удобно как для обычных пользователей, так и для предпринимателей.

С помощью виртуальных номеров от SMS-Activate можно осуществить верификацию через звонок. Компания уже более 6 лет является лидером среди сервисов, предоставляющих подобные услуги. С помощью SMS-Activate можно создать аккаунт на любом сайте или в приложении. Пользователям предлагают два варианта:

  • Использовать номер только для активации — подходит для получения СМС, чтобы подтвердить регистрацию. Действителен 20 минут.
  • Купить номер в аренду — работает от 4 часов до 4 недель, его можно использовать для продажи товаров на интернет-площадках. Аренду можно продлить.

Если пользователь вдруг …

Things to Know About Beer Koozies

Most drinkers know what koozies are. It keeps people’s drinks (bottled or canned) cold. But these things actually have an interesting backstory filled with information, a lot of info most people knew nothing about.

These can, or bottle huggers are old, really old

The name koozies or coozies was originally a trademark of Radio Cap Corp – a company from Texas. It was trademarked in 1980. The company let the registration lapse in the early 2000s, which means coozies are pretty old.

For more info about the history of this product, check out this site for details.

They go by more than ten different names

According to an old saying: People can tell how important something is in a group of individuals by how many names the thing has. For instance, Eskimos have fifty name variations in snow. Coozies are for rednecks what snow is to most Eskimos since rednecks have at least ten name variations for this thing, including:

  • Bottle jacket
  • Can jacket
  • Beer sleeve
  • Bawdle
  • Can cooler
  • Bottle cooler
  • Coldy-holdy
  • Coolie
  • Coozie
  • Cozy
  • Beer huggies
  • Beer hugger

But people need to tip their hats to Australians for the best name; they call these things stubby holders.

Coozies has …

Best Road trip routes along with art destinations

Whether you’re looking for a clearer view of the Pacific Ocean or a summer adventure through the national park, ReviewsBird.com will provide info on the best road trip routes that will give you the opportunity to explore great sites in the united states. In the midst of the coronavirus, there had been so many travel bans, and most international trips that require plane rides had to be canceled.

This doesn’t mean that travel has been completely canceled. In fact, it’s an opportunity for everyone to explore America from the best routes by road. Even if you don’t have a personal car, there are many car rental companies where you can hire a car to have the best experience.

In this post, we will show you some of the best road trip routes you can take to have the best experience.

1. Bangor, Maine, to Seattle, Washington: The Great Northern on U.S. Route 2

This is one of the best cross-country road trips routes in the U.S. The route runs the entire top border of the U.S. and reveals the otherworldly natural wonders like the Apostle Islands National Lakeshore and the Columbia Plateau. Through this route, you’ll get to explore Glacier …

What Does a Perfect App Store Screenshot Look Like?

Icons and screenshots are the first things the user deals with in the mobile application store. However, it does not mean that other components of the application promotion are not important, because everything in complex creates a general impression of your project. Optimizing the block from the screenshots is most effective in terms of increasing conversions in installation.

On the screenshot, the user sees the application screen with the frame of the device and text annotation.

The maximum number of screenshots in the App Store is 5. The first two images are the most important because they will be shown after loading the application page.

The maximum number of screenshots in Google Play is 8. If you have enough information, and the application’s interface is diverse, you should use the full limit. To demonstrate all the benefits of your mobile application, you should try to present it in 4-5 screenshots. It is necessary to determine the benefits, formulate the parameters that are important to your target audience. Next, choose the best part of the application interface that demonstrates them. After defining screenshots, you need to make a set of these images for diverse sizes of screens.

At this stage, it …

Liberal Arts Or Business Schooling? Each, Deans Say.

Upon finishing a Bachelors diploma in either the arts or the superb arts, many students opt to proceed their schooling by applying to graduate faculty. Specializing in providing enterprise training with an emphasis on culinary arts. College students specialising in Visible arts will interact with and integrate particular professional fields from associated areas into their apply. About: The Arts and Business Council of Better Boston is a nonprofit group making its first foray into actual property improvement with a venture to turn a former boys’ membership at 2 Ionic Ave.

We will additionally concentrate on a bunch’s special interest space, resembling partnering with businesses to further public art, arts education, arts advocacy, or financial growth efforts in a group. The College of New England respects and acknowledges that its individuals, applications and services are built on land, and surrounded by a sense of belonging, both historical and contemporary, of the world’s oldest residing tradition.

Founded in 1976 initially and underneath the title Affiliation for Business Sponsorship of the Arts (ABSA), Arts & Enterprise was based mostly on a mannequin developed in New York by David Rockefeller The primary organisation of its variety within the UK, ABSA pioneered business sponsorship of …